Day 7

Aug 22, 2020

READ: 2 Timothy 3:10-11, 4:6-8

APPLY: In today’s application, write the name of someone you know is watching your life and conduct. Assess if you think you are showing them a life of growth faith. If you feel deficient in this (and chances are we all do), what is a way you can be more intentional in showing them deeper faith? Remember, this is not about perfection. Paul was not perfect. Sometimes our greatest faith example is how we respond to our own failures and imperfections. So, being a good example isn’t about getting everything right all the time, but rather demonstrating how we walk with Jesus and allow Him to shape us and change us to become more like Him.

Another idea for application is to watch the film, “Love Costs Everything.” This is a movie about the persecuted church around the world. The individuals in this film have exemplary faith. When I watch their stories I am humbled and sobered. If they can demonstrate such great trust in God in the midst of great adversity, how much more should I be able to demonstrate such great trust in God in the midst of hardship? How much more should I be able to demonstrate trust in comparatively easy circumstances? This is a great way to wrap up our week’s focus on faith. These believers will inspire you, and convict you in your own faith experience. The film is free on Amazon Prime.