Whether you’re interested in joining or you have been involved awhile, the student worship team at Creekside Church is a place for you to be creative, serve, grow and have fun! This team provides an opportunity and environment for students to grow in their giftings and in leadership as they pursue authenticity, clarity, consistency, and excellence.


Whether you’re interested in joining or you have been involved awhile, the student worship team at Creekside Church is a place for you to be creative, serve, grow and have fun! This team provides an opportunity and environment for students to grow in their giftings and in leadership as they pursue authenticity, clarity, consistency, and excellence.

Leader Contact:

Benjamin Grimsey
Team Lead
(918) 805-3748 | EMAIL
Lesslye Mason 
Vocal Coach
(720) 297-2781 | EMAIL
Alex Mobley 
Student Pastor
(918) 824-0059 | EMAIL



Our "main thing" comes from 1 Chronicles 16:23. This passage directs us to “ascribe to the Lord the glory due His name,” to bring an offering and Worship Him in the splendor of His holiness. Thats what worship is all about and EVERYTHING we do in life boils down to it. No matter if we are out front leading a song, in the backline playing bass, in the booth clicking slides, or worshiping off the platform with the church, every role plays an essential part in the song we collectively make to “ascribe glory” to His name.


Our "main thing" comes from 1 Chronicles 16:23. This passage directs us to “ascribe to the Lord the glory due His name,” to bring an offering and Worship Him in the splendor of His holiness. Thats what worship is all about and EVERYTHING we do in life boils down to it. No matter if we are out front leading a song, in the backline playing bass, in the booth clicking slides, or worshiping off the platform with the church, every role plays an essential part in the song we collectively make to “ascribe glory” to His name.



Authenticity (in culture & relationships)
Psalm 86:11 - Teach me your way, O Lord, that I may walk in your truth; unite my heart to fear your name.

This is first and foremost for us, not just on the SWT, but most importantly as followers of Christ. Our goal is to “ascribe glory” to God, and we cannot do that without being our own authentic selves-who God made us to be. When we are operating in authenticity, we seek God’s guidance first and choose to be honest about where we are at. We accept our imperfections. And instead of turning to guilt and shame, we seek to mirror Psalm 86:11. We don’t built this on the platform, worship leader John Thurlow says: “whatever we cultivate with Jesus off the platform, is what we carry with us onto the platform.”

As worship leaders, we need to make Psalm 86:11 a continual prayer in our lives, to strive after who Christ wants us to be.
Clarity (in vision & communication)
Proverbs 29:18 - Where there is no prophetic vision the people cast off restraint, but blessed is he who keeps the law.
Colossians 4:6 - Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person.

We want to always seek the Lord for a clear and unified vision for the SWT, understanding from Proverbs 29:18 that without it our focus is distracted. Communication is vital to this process, not only in our seeking of vision from the Lord but also between us as members. We see from Colossians 4:6 that our speech should be grace-filled, with added kindness and wisdom, that we love one another as Christ loved us.

As worship leaders, our communication should always build up, encourage, and guide each other toward ascribing glory to the Lord.

Consistency (in Christ and calling)
Colossians 2:6-7 - Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.
1 Peter 4:10 - As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace.

NBA players usually practice 2hrs per day, 5 days per week. Orchestra members practice around 20hrs per week. Pro runners run anywhere from 90 to 140 miles per week. What do all of these things have in common? If I am a violin player, I need to CONSISTENTLY play so I don’t lose finger callouses. If I run or lift weights, I need to CONSISTENTLY eat and sleep to support my workouts. The same is true for our relationship with God and the gifts He has given us. Growing roots in these areas takes a while and can be tough, but this is the process of God shaping and molding us into who HE wants us to be.

As worship leaders, we need to authentically strive for consistency with God and in growing our gifts.
Excellence (in the way we serve)
Romans 12:1 - I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.
Psalm 33:3 - Sing to him a new song; play skillfully on the strings, with loud shouts.

The Bible has many mentions of excellence. When it talks about it in the context of worship, it always is a matter of authenticity. That means we are doing our very best to glorify the Lord, regardless of our current skill level. So as long as we are playing and serving at our best level, we are doing so with excellence. This is what Romans 12:1 is talking about, by living our life as a worshipful sacrifice.

As worship leaders, our foundation is serving and sacrificing for the Lord, balanced with pushing ourselves in playing skillfully.



Wednesday Nights

This is our regular weekly service opportunity where all our hard work comes to fruition.

  • Rehearsal: 5:00pm
  • Kids Worship: 6:00pm
  • Student Worship: 6:15pm


Held once or twice a semester, this is a time for us to explore and grow in worship together outside the confines of a service time.

  • Team Worship Gatherings
  • Bible studies
  • Trainings or How-to's

Special Events

These are outside our normal routine, but are great opportunities for extra growth as a worshiper and musician.

  • Sunday Morning Services (9:30am & 11am)
  • Student Ministry Outings

Wednesday Nights

This is our regular weekly service opportunity where all our hard work comes to fruition.

  • Rehearsal: 5:00pm
  • Kids Worship: 6:00pm
  • Student Worship: 6:15pm


Held once or twice a semester, this is a time for us to explore and grow in worship together outside the confines of a service time.

  • Team Worship Gatherings
  • Bible studies
  • Trainings or How-to's

Special Events

These are outside our normal routine, but are great opportunities for extra growth as a worshiper and musician.

  • Sunday Morning Services (9:30am & 11am)
  • Student Ministry Outings



As we have just seen, there are many things that happen from week to week for the SWT. The methods below are how we all remain connected and on the same page, so that the vision (our main thing) is the driving force behind everything we do.
As we have just seen, there are many things that happen from week to week for the SWT. The methods below are how we all remain connected and on the same page, so that the vision (our main thing) is the driving force behind everything we do.


...is the scheduling program we use church-wide for volunteers. You can access this on a computer or a phone app to:

  • Accept or Decline serving requests
  • See who you are serving with
  • View the service flow
  • Practice songs ahead of time


..is the messaging platform our student group uses for communication and to stay connected. We have a dedicated SWT channel for announcements, random devotionals, and to keep up with each other throughout the year!



We have a list of 20 songs that we pull from to make service planning and personal practice intentional and consistent. Each of these songs fall into one of the categories below. Also, check out the songs with the embedded Spotify playlists!
We have a list of 20 songs that we pull from to make service planning and personal practice intentional and consistent. Each of these songs fall into one of the categories below. Also, check out the songs with the embedded Spotify playlists!


Songs that say: "We worship You (God) for who You are."


Songs that say: "We affirm what is true/repent of our wrong-doing."


Songs that say: "We are grateful God for all that you have done."


Songs that say: "We lay our requests down at your feet, God."
Apple Music or Youtube listener? We got those for you right here!
We want these songs to be applicable to our student group as a whole. if there is a song you feel should be on this list, suggest it here.


The .pdf below lays out some directives for our team based on the things we have gone over. All of it points us back to our main thing, to ascribe glory to the Lord. Print it out and look over it. Seek the Lord in prayer about it. Talk with your parents about it. My prayer for us in this comes from Psalm 51:10, that we would desire a clean and pure heart, and a right spirit anchored in the Lord.
If you decide to commit to the swt, initial and sign the .pdf and hand in to Ben, Lesslye, or Alex. In doing this, you are taking a big step in your faith and seeking God's will for your life!